Artist Bio.
I was born in 1958 and grew up in Maumee, Ohio. Important memories from my childhood include loving parents and siblings, hard work, and lots of play.
I have always loved nature and art and as a child thought one day, I would be a professional artist. For much of my young adult life, I worked in restaurants but ultimately became a registered nurse. In 2018, after 25 years, I retired from nursing to focus on creating art and spending time with my husband, Steve, and our kids.
The subjects for my paintings are a culmination of a lifetime of experiences and a love of nature. Applying various oil painting techniques and employing a good deal of imagination, I create dynamic paintings with the sole intention of elevating the moment.
In my 60s now, I have a stable home, a beautiful art studio, and time dedicated to painting. I am a professional oil artist. A joyous dream come true.
I am going to paint until Iām 80. Then I will rest. That is the plan.
Mostly self-taught artist but have taken courses at Mass Art.
Nursing (BSN), Business (BSMA), Education (MSN)
Stewart Clifford Gallery, Provincetown, MA (2010-present)
Gallery Twist, Lexington, MA (2019-present)
A-Z Gallery, Chestnut Hill, MA (2019-present)
Gallery 201, SOWA, Boston, MA (2018-present)
Kiley Court, Provincetown, MA (2004-2010)
Juried Shows
Gallery Twist, Lexington, MA (2019)
Thrive Show Cambridge Art Association (2019)
National Prize Show, Cambridge, MA (2019-present)
Gallery Twist, Lexington, MA (2019) Ho Humm Show
Concord Art Association, Concord, MA (2019) Frances R. Roddy Competition
Gallery Twist, Lexington, MA (2019) Illumination
Mass Art Auction, Boston, MA (2020)
Cambridge Art Association, Cambridge, MA, (2020) Broken Beauty
Mass Art Auction, Boston, MA (2020)
Concord Art Association, Concord, MA (2021) Members Juried 1: Painting + Sculpture
Mass Art Auction, Boston, MA (2021)
Copley Society Members Show, Boston, MA (2022)
Mass Art Auction, Boston, MA (2022)
Professional Affiliation
Cambridge Art Association, Cambridge, MA
Concord Art Association, Concord, MA
Copley Society of Art, Boston MA
SoWa Artists Guild, Boston MA